Have you come across with Search.ueep.com problem? Still cannot find a good way to get rid of this search engine? Here we will show you how to uninstall Search.ueep.com virus completely and manually. Please read more.
General information of Search.ueep.com redirect
Search.ueep.com virus is deemed as a browser hijacker that violates users’ browsing activities out of permission. The appearance of ueep.com is similar to google, yahoo and bing. It comes bounded with internet criminal because this so-called search engine performs incorrectly, providing unrelated search results and causing random redirections. After breaking down system security tool, Search.ueep.com degrades browsers performances, including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. This malware invades the computer by replacing windows homepage, redirecting default search results and bringing endless pop-up advertisements. Usually, Search.ueep.com redirect can be dropped via hacked domains that provide free porn, gamble, game, video or other software downloads. Once executed, it uses cookies and key loggers to keep traces of users’ online behaviors. Ueep hijacker collects sensitive information because it is promoting the third party, attempting to make money with unfair means. Besides, the http://search.ueep.com/ is a hoax and it may redirect uses to suspicious sites filled up with advertisements banners and sponsored links. A simple click may require money or bank details. More serious, Search.ueep.com malware may install unwanted application automatically which may contain Trojan, worm and other spyware. You are advised to get rid of this browser hijacker as early as possible.
We consider Search.ueep.com as a malware because of the following annoyances.
- Search.ueep.com modifies users’ homepage and search results without asking approval.
- Search.ueep.com has been installed all of sudden
- Search.ueep.com slows down PC performances and crashes down browsers
- Search.ueep.com causes surreptitious changes and damages
- Search.ueep.com tries to fill computer with additional computer threats
- Search.ueep.com allows cyber criminal and steals users’ money
How to remove Search.ueep.com virus?As Search.ueep.com is able to compromised system security tools, we will eliminate it with manual removal. Here is the effective way. If you prefer instant help, please let us know.
Step 1 Uninstall from Control Panel
1) Click the “start” button on the lower left corner of your desktop
2) Double click the button “Control Panel” to process
3) Highlight “Add / Remove Program” icon from Control Panel
4)Select the Search.ueep.com icon in the list,
5)Click”Remove” icon to uninstall Search.ueep.com
6) Press OK to apply the changes.
7)Reboot your computer to make sure it works
Step 2 Show all hidden files
- Click Start button -> Control Panel -> Appearance and Personalization, and then click Folder Options -> Click the View tab, under Advanced settings.
- To hide file extensions, select the Hide extensions for known file types check box, and then click OK.
Step 3 Terminate all associated files
%Documents and Settings%\All Users\Application Data\Search.ueep.com.exe
%ProgramFiles%\Protected Search\ProtectedSearch.ico
Step 4 Open Registry Editor to delete compromised entries
Please do not fall for http://search.ueep.com/, it is a potentially unwanted application. You need to reuse the reliable search engine instead of this fraudulent.
If you are confused about this manual removal, please feel free to contact us. Certain computer knowledge would be quired to figure out the random files and entries created by Search.ueep.com if the situation changes. Any mistake made during the procedure would lead to a quick system crash. So please be careful.
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